Committed to sustainable development
Agrimin strives to act in a transparent, accountable and responsible manner in all of its business dealings.
Agrimin’s Board is committed to the adoption of corporate governance policies and practices consistent with the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations that are appropriate for a company of Agrimin’s size and nature. Agrimin’s governance documents are reviewed annually and include:
- Code of Business Conduct
- Communications with Shareholders Policy
- Continuous Disclosure Policy
- Diversity Policy
- Risk Management Policy
- Securities Trading Policy
- Whistleblower Policy
These documents are available here.
Agrimin recognises that as the Mackay Potash Project moves to the next phase of development, contract and procurement management will become an increasingly important area of governance.
Agrimin is committed to maximising the employment and business opportunities for Indigenous people, particularly the Kiwirrkurra People. Proposals from the Kiwirrkurra People or entities will be given preferential weighting when tendering for smaller packages of work.