Product Information
Agrimin’s SOP product specifications compare extremely well against existing SOP products in the market which range from 50% to 52% K2O. The Company’s product specification sheets are supported by the extensive pilot testing undertaken during the DFS.
Raw potash salts which have been harvested from Agrimin’s pilot evaporation ponds have undergone pilot processing tests at Bureau Veritas’ laboratory in Perth to produce SOP samples. The samples are very high quality with an average SOP grade of 53% K₂O and low-levels of impurities. Chemical assays for heavy metals, particle size distributions, angles of repose, density and solubility tests have all been conducted on the product.
Agrimin’s SOP product samples have been distributed to potential off-take parties for analysis. Chemical analysis undertaken by these parties has confirmed that the SOP samples meet market specifications.
Agrimin has had close engagement with the SOP market over a number of years and has ongoing advanced offtake discussions with interested parties ranging from existing potash producers to traders and distributors. Agrimin is focused on supplying large existing SOP markets such as Europe and China, as well as targeting opportunities in a number of high growth regional markets in South and Southeast Asia.
In May 2021 Agrimin signed a Binding Offtake Agreement with Sinochem Fertilizer Macao Limited, which belongs to Sinofert Holdings Limited, China’s main importer of potash. The offtake is for a 10 year term of 150,000 tonnes per annum.
The Company has a view to committing the majority of the project’s remaining 300,000 tonnes per annum of planned production under binding off-take agreements.