Committed to sustainable development
Agrimin’s vision is to empower local Indigenous communities through sustainable economic development and aims to sustainably produce fertiliser products that help achieve global food security.
Agrimin believes in supporting the communities in which it operates and that it is essential to deliver significant benefits to members of local and regional communities, in particular the Traditional Owners of the lands it operates. Further, it will only truly succeed once it is accepted as an integral party of the communities in which it operates.
Agrimin has established a long-standing and respectful relationship with the Traditional Owners who are affected by the Mackay Potash Project. The Company aims to continue to build upon this mutually beneficial relationship with the Traditional Owners of the land in which it operates, providing economic and cultural-strengthening opportunities with effective engagement, consultation and communication.
The Mackay Potash Project will not only create jobs and economic opportunities for the local communities, but Agrimin will also provide training and education opportunities designed to improve their accessibility. Agrimin is particularly proud that its haulage joint venture (Newhaul Bulk) is developing a driver training program which will maximise the opportunity to recruit local and Indigenous employees.
The development of the Mackay Potash Project will present local communities with improved access to infrastructure including roads, communication networks and utilities. Central to the project is a proposed sealed haul road which will directly benefit local communities and other businesses in the region.
Agrimin’s premium quality SOP products will play a critical role in helping to achieve global food security. SOP will improve agricultural productivity and increase sustainable food production for farmers, particularly in the developing countries of South and Southeast Asia to nourish their rapidly growing middle-class populations.